Thursday, January 18, 2007

One story

I'm an older fellow going through my nth life crisis: my only son has just left for college out of state to study music.

With time and conflicting emotions on my hands, I'm resolved to spend more time with the guitar and really try to move from the "fiddling around with it" stage to the "actually can make music" stage.

I think I'm guided by my son in several ways. First, there's the empty nest syndrome. I've got some time. Second, he's a musician himself---violin---and he gets such pleasure from his playing that I think I might too.

I think there's a third reason too possibly. Is it that I miss the sound of somebody practicing in the house? Is this at least partially a way of trying to deal with my son's moving out?

1 comment:

Diane said...

Don't let him convince you that he can't play. He's come a long way with the guitar since he started over a year ago. There is definitely music there. This is his wife, so I think can speak with some authority about the change from initial plink-plinking to actual music. And, yes, the house would be too quiet without the violin - although it's very interesting when our son is home and both the violin and the guitar are going at the same time on different things!