Thursday, August 16, 2007

A new book

I'm still working on songs in the Shipton book, but I've got another book that's been sitting around for a few weeks that I've started playing from: You can teach yourself fingerpicking guitar by Tommy Flint.

Fingerpicking, if you don't know, is when you play the individual strings with individual fingers. No pick. No strumming. I've got a few songs like this already, but this is a whole book of them.

The very beginning of the book is way too beginner-oriented, even for me! But I've flipped through the book and the stuff near the end is way more advanced than I've done so far, so I figure it'll be a nice one to work through.

At the moment, I'm struggling with the fact that the introductory material appears to have been written before the dawn of time. It's not so much inaccurate in any technical way; it's just culturally way out of date.

1 comment:

Diane said...

As someone who gets to listen to your guitar playing a lot, I like the finger-picking the best (not strumming). It's very pretty to listen to.

You are a good player but instead of playing things just to get through them, I vote for you playing what you like (and if YOU like the strumming then that's what it should be)!