Monday, April 9, 2007


I'm off to an international conference for a week and, because of all the other carry-ons I'm taking, I'm leaving the travel guitar behind. This may be the first break from daily practice since the beginning of the year.

I'm going to miss it and I worry that I'll backslide.

There's research that shows that appropriate "visualization" can help more than actual practice in some kinds of learning. I don't think the learning involved is middle-aged guitar, but I'm hoping it'll generalize.


Patep said...
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Patep said...

Yo Mike!

Just got this link from a fellow SDFer:

Guitar Lessons

Dunno whether his stuff is too basic for you or whatevahs but I thought of you when I saw it! He seems to have a few lessons up on YouTube. Gotta love YouTube...

Anyways, I've been very pleasantly surprised at how my bass stuffs seem to get better when I take a break from it once & a while. So, your trip will probably do you good!

Have fun in Taiwan!

(& sorry about the deleted comment - I'm not fully awake - took me a while to remember that I know enough HTML to make that link a link. ya!)