Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Should it sound like music?

I had another epiphany. Lately, things have been sounding a little more like music and I'd been taking that as a good sign.

Then I began thinking about my son and his violin. He's been playing for years and, over the years, it's sounded more and less like music. At the very beginning, it had lots of rough patches and, though I was proud of every note, sometimes, it was a stretch to find music in there. Later, it sounded like music a lot, and this lasted up until fairly recently. Of late, though, he seems to often work on bizarre scales and exercises that don't sound like music. I suppose the difference is that the bizarre scales aren't supposed to sound like music.

So the issue is this: if this is the typical continuum, where am I on it? I'm thinking I'm at that first break between initial non-musical and musical.

I guess the moral is that the more progress I make, the longer the path to where I want to be seems.

1 comment:

Patep said...

You could try recording yourself & playing it back. If your ears hurt & you can't listen anymore - it's not music!! ;-)

I totally hear ya on Joe's music though. We've been singing some pretty weird contemporary music in choir lately where the chords 'hurt' (as my director says) but overall they're really awesome pieces of music. It's really making us expand our horizons musically and expanding our 'definitions' of music itself. Weird scales, etc. are just part of that.

The more you do, the more you create contrast, which makes you want to do more... Awesome journey, life!